The $1,776 Website Revenue Project

Let us make your stream media website very profitable.

We'll help you convert your followers into valuable customers

Call today to get on a payment plan and convert your followers into valuable customers

Custom design and develop

Design the most usable and visually stimulating site, and develop custom applications to stimulate conversions and gain revenue.

Add novelty shop with up to 50 products

Create drop shipper print-on-demand account and develop stimulating graphic brand and other vibrant designs for submission to print provider.

Market to social media

We will distribute the products to our growing combined followers of 11 million across multiple platforms. You start to earn from sales within 10 days.

Forget about earning from client ads or shared ad revenue, it's too late for that!

If you created that website to blog or broadcast internet radio, video stream or podcast, with the intent to earn income from businesses which pay for advertisement, you may be finding that it's near impossible to get a single ad. This is because you don't have the high traffic of 10k daily views required to qualify. The same is true for shared ad payments from search engines.

Quit trying all that and sell your own products! Be your own ad client!

The Concept

Sell novelty products that are created on order and drop-shipped

The provider has over 500 high quality novelty items which just need any style graphics designed, placed and published to your website store system. The products range from T-shirts, mugs, towels, shoes, phone cases.

We will create 50 or more graphic designs, including a brand which is used in every design style to have the same club like effect as Gucci, FUBU, etc. Then each design is placed on multiple products and published within the shopping cart. The profit margin can be any range desired.

Social media marketing campaign to reach over 11 million users

Your followers quickly become your customers when your branded items are presented frequently. We will handle the marketing and distribute across multiple social platforms to reach over 11 million users within our combined network.

So many products to sell to your social media followers and loyal internet radio audience

Novelty Shop Design Examples

Profit Calculator

Choose a product

Per item cost*: $6.11
T-Shirt Mug Phone case Hoodie Socks Hat Bag Sweat Shirt

Your retail price


Daily sales


Your monthly earnings (period of 30 days)

Gross: $ Less Cost: $


Call to get started on a payment plan 813-319-4253

*Per item cost includes the price of one item with one print. It doesn't include shipping fees, taxes and payment processor fees.
